This is Camden House’s general German Studies series, in which numerous titles have appeared since the early 1980s. It welcomes a broad range of topics and approaches — from traditional, narrowly literary studies on one hand to forays into cultural studies and cultural history on the other, from approaches based on traditional close reading to those emphasizing theory, from feminist to postmodern to multicultural. All periods of German culture and literature are fair game, from medieval Spielmannsepen to currently emerging writers of the twenty-first century. No matter what the standpoint, the topic, the approach, or the time period, however, the standards of scholarship and writing are high and the vetting and editorial processes rigorous.
Editorial Acquistions Office
Jim Walker
Camden House
134 Deerwood Trail
Lake Placid, NY 12946
t + 1 518 837 5232 (M-F 9-5)
f + 1 518 837 5232
[email protected] (email is preferred)
See all Studies in German Literature, Linguistics, and Culture titles