Rochester Studies in Medieval Political Thought

The University of Rochester Press, a partner of Boydell & Brewer, invites manuscripts for consideration in its new series, Rochester Studies in Medieval Political Thought. The series editors, Douglas Kries and Joshua Parens, welcome interpretive studies on political writings from the medieval period as well as thematic studies of a political question or problem unique to the period. The editors also welcome projects that compare medieval political thought with classical, modern, or postmodern thought. Projects that compare any two or all of the three religious traditions of medieval political philosophy—Christian, Islamic, and Jewish thought—are sought in particular. English translations of important political works and collections of essays are also of interest.

To submit a project for consideration, please send a formal proposal to the series editors. The proposal should include a synopsis of the work, summarizing its content and intended contribution to the existing literature; a table of contents; and a CV.

Download a Proposal Form

Series Editors

Douglas Kries
Bernard J. Coughlin, S.J., Professor of Christian Philosophy
Gonzaga University
[email protected]

Joshua Parens
Dean of the Braniff Graduate School of Liberal Arts and Professor of Philosophy
University of Dallas
[email protected]

Advisory Board

Charles E. Butterworth (University of Maryland), Miriam Galston (George Washington University), Steven Harvey (Bar-Ilan University, Israel), Mary M. Keys (University of Notre Dame), Terrence Kleven (Central College), Joseph C. Macfarland (St. John’s College, Annapolis)

See all the Rochester Studies in Medieval Political Thought titles