It’s easy to keep track of the many paperbacks we now publish across our imprints and subjects: we’ll collect them all here and update the list quarterly. Full descriptions, contents and details of eBook editions are just a click away. If you think a particular title might be suitable for adoption on a course you teach please don’t hesitate to contact us – see full details here. Any queries? Just mail [email protected] or [email protected].

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Heirs of the Vikings

by Katherine Cross

Examination of text concerning the vikings reveals much about their origin myth and legend.

Literature of the Crusades

Edited by Simon Thomas Parsons and Linda Paterson

An interdisciplinary approach to sources for our knowledge of the crusades.

Medievalism, Politics and Mass Media

by Andrew B R Elliott

An exploration of how the Middle Ages are manipulated ideologically in today's communication.

Richard Wagner's Essays on Conducting

by Chris Walton

The first modern English edition of Richard Wagner's essays on conducting, extensively annotated, with a critical essay on Wagner as conductor: his aesthetic, practices, vocabulary, and impact.

'The Right Ordering of Souls'

by Clive Burgess

The relationship between people and parish in the late medieval ages illuminated by this study of a remarkable survival from the period.

Birds in Medieval English Poetry

by Michael J. Warren

First full-length study of birds and their metamorphoses as treated in a wide range of medieval poetry, from the Anglo-Saxons to Chaucer and Gower.

Middle English Lyrics

Edited by Julia Boffey and Christiania Whitehead

A collection attesting to the richness and lasting appeal of these short forms of Middle English verse.

Medieval St Andrews

Edited by Michael H Brown and Katie Stevenson

First extended treatment of the city of St Andrews during the middle ages.

Medieval and Early Modern Murder

Edited by Larissa Tracy

Drawing on a wealth of sources from different disciplines, the essays here provide a nuanced picture of how medieval and early modern societies viewed murder and dealt with murderers.

Medieval Pets

by Kathleen Walker-Meikle

An engaging and informative survey of medieval pet keeping which also examines their representation in art and literature.