Paperback titles released this July to September

It’s easy to keep track of the many paperbacks we now publish across our imprints and subjects: we’ll collect them all here and update the list quarterly. Full descriptions, contents and details of eBook editions are just a click away. If you think a particular title might be suitable for adoption on a course you teach please don’t hesitate to contact us – see full details here. Any queries? Just mail [email protected] or [email protected].

Please submit press review requests to [email protected] or, in North America, [email protected].

A Companion to Mario Vargas Llosa

by Sabine Köllmann

This Companion offers an overview and assessment of Mario Vargas Llosa's large body of work, tracing his development as a writer and intellectual in his essays, critical studies, journalism, and theatrical works, but above all inhis novels.

Tamesis Books

English Local History

by Kate Tiller

The classic guide to exploring English local history, brought up to date and expanded.

Boydell Press

The Golem, How He Came into the World

by Maya Barzilai

Provides an aesthetic and historical overview of and new critical insights into Paul Wegener's great 1920 film, recognized at the time as a breakthrough in German cinema.

Camden House

The White Ribbon

by Fatima Naqvi

Explores Haneke's historically complex film as a reflection on purity, ideology, violence, and child-rearing.

Camden House