Happy Retirement, Michael Richards

It’s a bittersweet day here at Boydell as, with heavy hearts, we say goodbye and good luck and wish a long and very happy retirement to Global Sales & Marketing Director Michael Richards. The art world will be the richer for it but we shall all miss his expertise, his knowledge, his unflappable zen-like calm, his charm and wit and his unceasing encouragement and support. Michael has been one of the pillars of Boydell these last 20 years, through many changes and developments, helping to shape the company that today publishes more than ever across our widest range of subjects to date.

If you have published with us your book will have benefitted from Michael’s effortlessly adept management of the Marketing department, which is made up of two offices, one here in Suffolk and one in Rochester, NY, in the grounds of the university.

If you have ever worked at Boydell you will have benefitted from his thoughtful, generous help and patience. And maybe learned a thing or two about classical music, 60s psychedelia, 70s prog rock, 80s indie and, to the discomfort of some (well, me), jazz of all stripes. Here among us we had a man who knew all this, seemed to have watched every important film or series, read every major writer and whose deep knowledge of art is matched by his enviable creative skills (see the lavishly illustrated Inside Conducting). We hope that in due course we will view an exhibition of Michael’s work but to get a glimpse now just see the gorgeous cover of our latest catalogue, which features (exhibited and sold) painting Mangosteens:

More examples of his work can be found on Instagram under @michael_richards_drawings

‘This will do until I find a proper job!’

This, apparently – allegedly! – was Michael’s thought upon being offered the job. Well, almost twenty years later he has made a huge success of such an ‘improper’ job!

Michael’s energy never seemed to waiver once over all these years and he has been inspiration to all his staff. Former colleagues, some gone from the company for ten or more years, insisted on contributing to his gift and sending their best wishes; reps, contacts and the many friends that he won for the company around the world have sent their thanks and praise. And the close team that has enjoyed so many good years with him wishes Michael nothing but the very best for many years to come. We shall miss him hugely.

Thank you, Michael, and happy retirement!

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