Call For Manuscripts: Tamesis Books

Tamesis provides a forum for the best current work relating to all periods of the literature, cinema, history, art, and music of the Iberian Peninsula, Latin America, and the Caribbean.


Preference is given to works of 80,000 words and over, and to volumes of collected essays of similar length on condition that they have a clear unifying theme; short monographs and reprints of essays will not be considered, editions of texts only in exceptional cases.


The Companion Series is an intrinsic part of the Tamesis monograph series and aims to provide a set of lively, scholarly and accessible introductions to the major literatures and cultures of the Spanish-, Catalan- and Portuguese-speaking worlds. The typical companion (which may be single- or multi-authored) may focus on literary history (as in A Companion to Latin American Literature), or the history of a significant genre (A Companion to Spanish Cinema), or the work of a canonic Hispanic author (A Companion to Federico García Lorca) or an in-depth study of a single work (A Companion to Don Quixote).

The series is aimed primarily aimed undergraduate and graduate students but also responds to the general reader looking for an intelligent introduction to the area in question. For this reason, all quotations and titles are accompanied by English translations, and each volume contains a list of suggestions for further reading, principally in English.

Icons of the Luso-Hispanic World

A Companion to Federico García Lorca
Edited by Federico Bonaddio

Boydell & Brewer is delighted to announce a new series under the general editorship of Professor Stephen M. Hart. The Icons series will primarily include books of no more than 80,000 words by single authors on a broad range of historical individuals and events which have had a significant impact on the course of human history and whose influence is still felt today—the writers of Roman Spain; literary heroes; kings and queens; saints; the age of exploration; literary movements; individual artists, musicians, philosophers, film directors, footballers, popes; and more.

Possible subjects include: Martial, El Cid, Alfonso X, Philip II, Charles V, Isabella I of Castile, Vasco da Gama, Luís de Camões, Francisco Pizarro, Lope de Vega, Saint Teresa of Ávila, Pedro I and Pedro II of Brazil, Machado de Assis, Alejo Carpentier, Che Guevara, Eva Perón, Velázquez, Goya, Picasso, Manuel de Falla, Pedro Almodóvar, Pele, and Pope Francis.

Icons books will be based on the most up-to-date scholarly research but written in plain English for the benefit of the non-specialist reader as well as academics looking for a concise introduction to a particular literary, cultural, or historical figure or movement.

Founding Editors

J. E. Varey
Alan Deyermond

General Editor

Stephen M. Hart

Series Editor of Fuentes para la historia del teatro en España

Charles Davis

advisory board

Rolena Adorno
Andrew M. Beresford
John Beverley
Efraín Kristal
Jo Labanyi
Alison Sinclair
Isabel Torres

Queries, or completed proposal forms (available from, should be sent to the commissioning editor, Scott Mahler ([email protected]). All submissions will receive prompt and informed consideration.

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