Category: Medieval Studies

Restoring Creation

Restoring Creation

Author Britton Brooks shares how his study came about from a head filled with questions, to a publication he hopes will provide a window into a different way of perceiving… READ MORE

Historians on John Gower

Historians on John Gower

John Gower’s poetry offers an important and immediate response to the turbulent events of his day. Here Professor Stephen H. Rigby, editor of Historians on John Gower (with Siân Echard),… READ MORE

The Figure of Minerva in Medieval Literature

The Figure of Minerva in Medieval Literature

Why did Minerva, the Roman goddess of wisdom, appear so frequently in medieval literature? Peter Abelard, Guido delle Colonne, John Gower, Geoffrey Chaucer, and Christine de Pizan, among others, all… READ MORE

Roger of Lauria, the Admiral of Admirals

Roger of Lauria, the Admiral of Admirals

Our thanks to Dr Charles D. Stanton for this wonderful introduction to the incredible story of Roger of Lauria, whose triumphs during the War of the Sicilian Vespers remain unparalleled…. READ MORE

Medieval Week on Gotland

Medieval Week on Gotland

First, all you can focus on is the silence. When will they come? How far has he gotten? Are they within the walls yet? When you are just about to… READ MORE

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