The National Church in Local Perspective
Title Details

330 Pages

0 x 0 cm

1 line illus.

Series: Studies in Modern British Religious History

Series Vol. Number: 5

Imprint: Boydell Press

The National Church in Local Perspective

The Church of England and the Regions, 1660-1800

Edited by Jeremy Gregory and Jeffrey S Chamberlain

  • Description
  • Contents
The political, social and economic role of the Church in the various regions of England, identifying common themes and highlighting regional differences.

This collection makes a significant contribution to the history of the Church of England in the period. Local and regional evidence from across the country illustrates the range of responses to a variety of problems and common themes. These include the church's relationship with protestant dissent and Roman Catholicism, its relationship with the laity, its social and economic position (which could alter during periods of economic change), and its responseto and participation in a number of significant political and social events such as the Restoration, the Revolution of 1688, the emergence of Jacobitism, and reactions to the French Revolution. Although local variations could indeed be extreme, this does not mean that there was no common experience: much of the interest of this collection comes from the exploration of different regional responses to shared difficulties. It also sheds new light on the issueof national identity, and particularly the concepts of Englishness and Britishness as they existed during the period.Contributors VIVIANE BARRIE, JEFFREY S. CHAMBERLAIN, FRANCOISE DECONINCK-BROSSARD, WILLIAM GIBSON, JEREMY GREGORY, COLIN HAYDON, W.M. JACOB, PHILIP JENKINS, W.M. MARSHALL, M.F. SNAPE, DONALD SPAETH.
National and local perspectives on the Church of England in the long eighteenth century [with Jeffrey S. Chamberlain] - Jeremy Gregory
National and local perspectives on the Church of England in the long eighteenth century [with Jeremy Gregory] - Jeffrey S Chamberlain
Archbishops of Canterbury, their diocese, and the shaping of the National Church - Jeremy Gregory
The Church in the diocese of London in the eighteenth century - Viviane Barrie
'A regular and well-affected' diocese: Chichester in the eighteenth century - Jeffrey S Chamberlain
'A happy fertile soil which bringeth forth abundantly': the diocese of Winchester, 1689-1800' - William Gibson
'The enemy within': the failure of reform in the diocese of Salisbury in the eighteenth century - Donald A Spaeth
The Church in the Kineton deanery of the diocese of Worcester, c.1660-c.1800 -
Church and Society in Norfolk, 1700-1800 - W. M. Jacob
The dioceses of Hereford and Oxford, 1660-1800 - W M Marshall
'We live so far North': the Church in the North-East of England - Francoise Deconinck-Brossard
The Church in a Lancashire parish: Whalley, 1689-1800 - Michael Snape
Church, Nation and Language: the Welsh Church, 1660-1800 - Philip Jenkins

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January 2002

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Title Details

330 Pages

0 x 0 cm

1 line illus.

Series: Studies in Modern British Religious History

Series Vol. Number: 5

Imprint: Boydell Press