Title Details
238 Pages
23.4 x 15.6 cm
Series: Publications Bedfordshire Hist Rec Soc
Series Vol. Number:
Imprint: Bedfordshire Historical Record Society
Worthington George Smith and other case studies
- Description
- Author
Worthington George Smith and other case studies
‘Bedfordshire chapelries: an essay in rural settlement history’, by Dorothy Owen [The existence of chapels, in addition to churches, in many parishes in pre-Reformation England is explained. A list of rural parochial chapels in Bedfordshire between c.1123 and 1540 is given.]
‘Bedfordshire heraldry: a conspectus’, by F. W. KuhIicke [Covering a broad sweep from the twelfth century to the 1950s, this article examines the relationship between the arms of lesser gentry and those borne by the lords from whom they held land.]
‘Middlemen in the Bedfordshire lace industry’, by Anne Buck [The work of lace making and the business of the lace buying middlemen are described, ranging over the period c.1600-1930.]
‘Joshua Symonds, an 18th-century Bedford dissenting minister’, by H. G. Tibbutt [The family life of Joshua Symonds (1739-1788) is described as a prelude to an account of his work as pastor of the Old Meeting at Bedford from 1766.]
‘The 1830 riots in Bedfordshire, background and events’, by A. F. Cirket [The Swing riots in Bedfordshire were a protest against specific local problems.]
‘A Bedfordshire clergyman of the Reform era and his Bishop’, by Joan Varley [The Rev. Timothy Matthews and John Kaye, Bishop of Lincoln.]
‘Worthington George Smith’, by James Dyer [Worthington George Smith (1835-1917) was a Dunstable antiquary and eccentric who undertook archaeological surveys and excavations. Amongst his many interests were the collection of bones and implements, restoration of models of fungi and botanical drawing.]
‘Aspects of Anglo-Indian Bedford’, by Patricia Bell [The article examines the relationship between the high-quality, nearly-free Harpur Trust schools and the influx of Anglo-Indian service families to take advantage of these schools. One consequence was the development of residential areas of Bedford to accommodate the incomers.]
‘The 1919 Peace riots in Luton’, by John Dony [The riot in which Luton Town Hall was burnt down was triggered by what servicemen viewed as inadequate provision by the Town Council for them to take part in the celebration to mark the end of World War I. The situation was exacerbated by the ex-servicemen’s dissatisfaction with their pensions and the lack of employment.]
This collection of essays was presented to Miss Joyce Godber (formerly County Archivist) on her retirement as general editor for the BHRS.
‘Bedfordshire chapelries: an essay in rural settlement history’, by Dorothy Owen [The existence of chapels, in addition to churches, in many parishes in pre-Reformation England is explained. A list of rural parochial chapels in Bedfordshire between c.1123 and 1540 is given.]
‘Bedfordshire heraldry: a conspectus’, by F. W. KuhIicke [Covering a broad sweep from the twelfth century to the 1950s, this article examines the relationship between the arms of lesser gentry and those borne by the lords from whom they held land.]
‘Middlemen in the Bedfordshire lace industry’, by Anne Buck [The work of lace making and the business of the lace buying middlemen are described, ranging over the period c.1600-1930.]
‘Joshua Symonds, an 18th-century Bedford dissenting minister’, by H. G. Tibbutt [The family life of Joshua Symonds (1739-1788) is described as a prelude to an account of his work as pastor of the Old Meeting at Bedford from 1766.]
‘The 1830 riots in Bedfordshire, background and events’, by A. F. Cirket [The Swing riots in Bedfordshire were a protest against specific local problems.]
‘A Bedfordshire clergyman of the Reform era and his Bishop’, by Joan Varley [The Rev. Timothy Matthews and John Kaye, Bishop of Lincoln.]
‘Worthington George Smith’, by James Dyer [Worthington George Smith (1835-1917) was a Dunstable antiquary and eccentric who undertook archaeological surveys and excavations. Amongst his many interests were the collection of bones and implements, restoration of models of fungi and botanical drawing.]
‘Aspects of Anglo-Indian Bedford’, by Patricia Bell [The article examines the relationship between the high-quality, nearly-free Harpur Trust schools and the influx of Anglo-Indian service families to take advantage of these schools. One consequence was the development of residential areas of Bedford to accommodate the incomers.]
‘The 1919 Peace riots in Luton’, by John Dony [The riot in which Luton Town Hall was burnt down was triggered by what servicemen viewed as inadequate provision by the Town Council for them to take part in the celebration to mark the end of World War I. The situation was exacerbated by the ex-servicemen’s dissatisfaction with their pensions and the lack of employment.]
This collection of essays was presented to Miss Joyce Godber (formerly County Archivist) on her retirement as general editor for the BHRS.
Ebook (EPDF)
January 1978
$29.95 / £19.99
Title Details
238 Pages
2.34 x 1.56 cm
Series: Publications Bedfordshire Hist Rec Soc
Series Vol. Number:
Imprint: Bedfordshire Historical Record Society