Anglo-Norman Studies XXXVII
Title Details

307 Pages

23.4 x 15.6 cm

11 b/w, 21 line illus.

Series: Anglo-Norman Studies

Series Vol. Number: 37

Imprint: Boydell Press

Anglo-Norman Studies XXXVII

Proceedings of the Battle Conference 2014

Edited by Elisabeth M C van Houts

  • Description
  • Contents
  • Author
  • Reviews
The latest research on aspects of the Anglo-Norman world.

The contributions collected here demonstrate the full range and vitality of current work on the Anglo-Norman period, from a variety of different angles and disciplines. Topics include architecture and material remains in Winchester, Kent and Hampshire; the role of Duke Richard II and Abbot John of Fécamp in early Normandy; political and liturgical culture at the Anglo-Norman and Angevin courts; the lost (illustrated?) prototype of Dudo of Saint-Quentin's early Norman history and Geoffrey of Monmouth's motivation for his Historia Regum Britonum; twelfth-century legal scholarship and the archaic use of vernacular vocabulary in law texts; trade and travel; and a study of episcopal acta from the south-western Norman dioceses.

Contributors: Richard Allen, Pierre Bauduin, Johanna Dale, Jennifer Farrell, Peter Fergusson, Sara Harris, Nicholas Karn, Edmund King, Lauren Mancia, Eljas Oksanen, Gesine Oppitz-Trotman, Benjamin Pohl, Katherine Weikert
Editor's Preface - Elisabeth M C van Houts
Henry of Winchester: the Bishop, the City and the Wider World - Edmund King
Episcopal acta in Normandy, 911-1204: the charters of the bishops of Avranches, Coutances and Sées - Richard Allen
Richard II de Normandie: figure princière et transferts culturels (fin dixième- début onzième siècle) - Pierre Bauduin
Royal Inauguration and the Liturgical Calendar in England, France and the Empire c. 1050-c. 1250 - Johanna Dale
History, Prophecy and the Arthur of the Normans: the question of audience and motivation behind Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae - Jennifer Farrell
Canterbury Cathedral Priory's Bath House and Fish Pond - Peter Fergusson
Tam Anglis quam Danis: 'Old Norse' Terminology in the Constitutiones de foresta - Sara Harris
Quadripartitus, Leges Henrici Primi and the Scholarship of English Law in the Early Twelfth Century - Nicholas Karn
John of Fécamp and Affective Reform in Eleventh-Century Normandy - Lauren Mancia
Trade and Travel in England during the Long Twelfth Century - Eljas Oksanen
The Emperor's Robe: Thomas Becket and Angevin Political Culture - Gesine Oppitz-Trotman
The Illustrated Archetype of the Historia Normannorum: Did Dudo of Saint-Quentin write a 'chronicon pictum'? - Benjamin Pohl
The Biography of a Place: Faccombe Netherton, Hampshire c. 900-1200 - Katherine Weikert

Elisabeth van Houts is Honorary Professor of European Medieval History, University of Cambridge, and Fellow of Emmanuel College.

"Like its predecessors...this volume of proceedings will be essential reading for academics working in Anglo-Norman studies and students of the period of all levels. Long may this series continue." SOUTHERN HISTORY



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Title Details

307 Pages

2.34 x 1.56 cm

11 b/w, 21 line illus.

Series: Anglo-Norman Studies

Series Vol. Number: 37

Imprint: Boydell Press