Lincolnshire Parish Correspondence of John Kaye, Bishop of Lincoln 1827-53
Title Details

560 Pages

23.4 x 15.6 cm

4 line illus.

Series: Publications of the Lincoln Record Society

Series Vol. Number: 94

Imprint: Lincoln Record Society

Lincolnshire Parish Correspondence of John Kaye, Bishop of Lincoln 1827-53

Edited by R.W. Ambler

  • Description
  • Contents
  • Reviews
The 532 letters that are published in this volume come from the extensive correspondence that was received from people in Lincolnshire parishes by John Kaye, Bishop of Lincoln between 1827 and 1853. They are important because theyexpress the opinions and reflect the attitudes of lay people as well as clergymen: Kaye's correspondents ranged from members of the landed gentry to people who would usually have little direct contact with the bishop. They included a 'troublesome', 'deceptious' and 'pugnacious' village carrier disputing the fees charged for burial in his local churchyard, as well as the farmer who complained of the 'hill usige' that he had 'ricivid from the viker' of hisparish.

The correspondence reflects Kaye's work as a Church reformer, but it is also important for the way that it demonstrates the changing significance of the Church in the lives of local communities. The extent to which the Church and its affairs were the means through which the social relations of parishes were articulated and sustained was a measure of the continuing importance of the establishment.

ROD AMBLER is Senior Lecturerin History at the University of Hull.
Introduction - R.W. Ambler
Text [Correspondence] - R.W. Ambler
"There are rich pickings for many of the parishes of Lincolnshire, but also some valuable illustrations of themes in rural history extending far beyond that county. [...] This is a model record society volume that deserves to be widely used outside its county." JOURNAL OF RURAL HISTORY
"For historians of rural, mid-nineteenth-century Anglicanism, it seems all roads lead not to Rome but to the doors of the Lincoln Record Office. [...] Ambler's edition will of course be of great use to historians of Lincolnshire, not least through the inclusion of a new handlist of the Lincolnshire correspondence in the archives as an appendix." ENGLISH HISTORICAL REVIEW
"A formidably academic book. [...] The editor's introduction summarises Kaye's life and career, and the scope of the correspondence, with admirable clarity, and puts everything into a comprehensible context." CHURCH TIMES
"A gold mine. [...] The potted biographies of all parties mentioned which appear in the feast of footnotes are alone worth the price of this extraordinary book, a staple for years to come on every local historian's bookshelf. And what an index!" GRIMSBY TELEGRAPH
"This collection is a valuable addition to the documents on the Church of England in the nineteenth century." THE LOCAL HISTORIAN



November 2006


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Title Details

560 Pages

2.34 x 1.56 cm

4 line illus.

Series: Publications of the Lincoln Record Society

Series Vol. Number: 94

Imprint: Lincoln Record Society