Boxford Churchwardens’ Accounts 1530-1561
Title Details

124 Pages

23.4 x 15.6 cm

1 b/w, 1 line illus.

Series: Suffolk Records Society

Series Vol. Number: 23

Imprint: Suffolk Records Society

Boxford Churchwardens' Accounts 1530-1561

Edited by Peter Northeast

  • Description
A clear view of the impact of the Reformation at parish level.

Churchwardens' accounts for the period of the English Reformation provide some of the clearest views of the impact of that most fundamental movement on individual parishes. This edition presents the first thirty years or so of thesurviving accounts for Boxford, beginning mid-way through Henry VIII's reign and ending when Elizabeth was settled on the throne. The accounts show the pattern of income and expenditure before the Reformation, then the disruptions of Reformation and Counter-Reformation, and finally the settling down as a Protestant church. Equipped with a comprehensive glossary and extensive notes on the personal names occurring in the text, this volume makes a rare and valuable contribution to the study of the Reformation in England.



January 1982


$36.95 / £25.00

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Title Details

124 Pages

2.34 x 1.56 cm

1 b/w, 1 line illus.

Series: Suffolk Records Society

Series Vol. Number: 23

Imprint: Suffolk Records Society